- Preferably in colour, not black and white.
- Taken against a light grey or cream background.
- 45 millimeters (mm) high x 35 mm wide.
- Able to fit into the template given, with the eyes positioned in the shaded area.
- Free from shadows.
- Taken with the eyes open and clearly visible (with no sunglasses or tinted spectacles, and no hair across the eyes).
- With the subject facing forward, looking straight at the camera.
- With a neutral expression with the mouth closed (no grinning, frowning or raised eyebrows).
- Of each person on their own (no other objects, or other people visible) taken with nothing covering the face.
- In sharp focus and clear.
- With a strong definition between face and background.
- Photographs must also be a recent true likeness of the individual, taken within the last 6 months.
- Be undamaged (not torn, creased or marked).
- Be free from reflection or glare on spectacles.
- Be free from �redeye�.
- Be free from airbrushing or similar enhancement (for example photographs must not be 'photoshopped' or 'touched-up' or otherwise digitally altered).
- Be taken of the full head, without any covering unless worn for religious or medical reasons.